Huron County Democratic Party


Effective September 30, 2015

Article 1:

The Huron County Democratic Party Central Committee shall meet in accordance with the provisions of Sections 3517.04 of the Ohio Revised Code after the primary election in the gubernatorial election year and shall organize by electing the following officers:

  1. Chairperson, who shall be the Chief Administrative Officer, Campaign Director, a member of all committees. The Chairperson shall nominate the members of the standing committees and their committee chairs.
  2. Two Vice Chairpersons:
    1. First Vice Chairperson, Temporary Chair in the absence of the Chairperson. First vice-chairperson must be of the opposite gender of the Chairperson.
    2. Second Vice Chairperson, Temporary Chair in the absence of the Chairperson and the First Vice Chairperson.
  3. Treasurer – To file statements and accounts with the Board of Elections in a timely manner as required by law, to maintain the party checking accounts and such other duties as the Chairperson may direct.
  4. Secretary – Maintain the minutes and the records of the parties and such other duties as the Chairperson may direct.

The officers shall hold office until their successors are elected and/or removed for malfeasance and/or conduct subversive to the best interest of the Huron County Democratic Party. A 60% majority vote of the Central Committee members present for a called meeting is required to remove an officer. When electing a new officer, majority vote is required of the Central Committee members in attendance for a called meeting for the purpose of electing a new officer.

At the quadrennial organizational meeting, pursuant to the Section 3517.04 of the Ohio Revised Code, there shall also be elected a Huron County Democratic Executive Committee consisting of all the members of the Huron County Central Committee, together with not to exceed 35 additional members, to be nominated by the Chair of the Central Committee and appointed by the Central Committee. The authority vested by law in the Huron County Democratic Central Committee shall be the same as hereby is vested in said Huron County Democratic Central and Executive Committee, except party officer and elected official vacancies shall be filled by the Central Committee only, in compliance with 3513.31 Ohio Revised Code. Ten (10) members of said Huron County Democratic Central Committee present shall constitute a quorum for meetings requiring a full Central Committee only vote.

Article II:

The Policy Committee of the Huron County Democratic Party shall consist of the Chairperson, two Vice Chairs, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to 10 additional members nominated by the Chairperson and appointed by the Central and Executive Committee.

The Policy Committee shall conduct the day-to-day business of the Huron County Democratic Party. Any requests that the Party take a public position on an issue or endorse a candidate must first be approved by the Policy Committee before coming to the Central and Executive Committee for a vote.

Article III:

The Central and Executive Committee shall meet quarterly or as often as it may be deemed necessary by the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson serving in the Chairperson's place, and/or upon written petition to the Secretary by not less than 15 of the members constituting said Central and Executive Committee. The quorum necessary for a Central and Executive Committee meeting is 15 members. All meetings of the Committee must be open to the public.

Article IV:

Notice of the meetings shall be sent by the Secretary of the Committee at least five (5) days before holding such a meeting or meetings. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all books, records, correspondence, etc., and shall keep a true record of the minutes of the meetings of the Committee in a suitable book for such purposes and in which also be recorded the rules governing the Committee and, at close to the Secretary's term of office, shall deliver minute book and all other records to his or her successor.

Article V:

All matters coming before the Committee shall be decided by a majority vote of those members present. No secret ballots may be used at any time to conduct business.

Article VI:

Vacancies occurring in the Central Committee or officers of the Central Committee shall be nominated and filled by the Central Committee only.

Article VII:

All monies received by members of the Central and Executive Committee in the name of the Huron County Democratic Party and/or Huron County Democratic Central and Executive Committee shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the Central and Executive Committee.

Article VIII:

The Auditing committee shall consist of three other persons appointed by the Chairperson. The Auditing Committee shall audit the financial records of the party in February of each year. The Treasurer, Secretary and any other officer shall make their records available to the auditing Committee.

Article IX:

The Bylaws Committee shall consist of the Party Chairperson, and two other members appointed by the Chairperson. The Bylaws Committee shall review the bylaws and report any amendments to the Central and Executive Committee. Changes to the bylaws must receive a majority vote of the members present for the purpose of amending the bylaws. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Policy Committee. The meeting and amendments to the bylaws are made pursuant to Section 3517.02 of the Ohio Revised Coed.

Article X:

These bylaws shall be effective as of the 23rd day of August, 2006, and are pursuant to Section 3517.02 of the Ohio Revised Code. These Bylaws shall supersede all other rules or rule heretofore adopted. If in the event any part of the foregoing bylaws deemed to be unlawful, all remaining bylaws shall remain in place.

Signed and adopted 23rd day of August, 2006.
Amended July 31, 2013.
Amended Sept. 30, 2015

Susan S. Lesch _________ Date 9/30/15

Annie Conway Schafer _ Date 9/30/15